What type of transportation do you use to transport cargoes?
“AST” Group of Companies delivers cargoes with its own road transport: trucks and low-frame semi-trailers with a loading height of 0.3-0.9 m, and a load capacity of up to 250 tons. In some cases, other options are also possible after consultation with the customer, e.g. the transportation of components to a large construction site using a rented van or truck.
What territory do you work on?
We provide our services throughout Russia, as well as in the CIS countries (mainly Belarus and Kazakhstan). In addition, our company organizes international multimodal transportation together with partners all over the world.
How are transportation costs calculated?
To calculate the transportation costs, you need to specify the number of locations and the dimensions and weight of the cargo. In most cases, customers provide a cargo diagram and specify the exact loading and unloading locations. In the case of internal customs transit, it is necessary to indicate the address of the place where customs clearance will be carried out.
What is there to provide in order to apply for transportation?
It is necessary to sign a contract, as well as an application for cargo transportation, and make an advance payment in accordance with the agreements made.
What documents must be presented in order to use our cargo transportation services?
As a rule, the customer must provide the following documents:
Consignment note (2 to 4 samples);
Power of attorney for the right to receive the cargoes and carry out their cargo transportation;
In the case of transportation self-propelled equipment: vehicle passport, self-propelled car passport or registration certificate;
lease, purchase, leasing agreement (or a certified copy thereof).
Do you offer cargo insurance services?
If necessary, we can insure your cargo and include this amount in the transportation costs. We also have carrier and forwarder liability insurance with a total insured risk of up to $1,160,000.
How reliable are your transportation services?
We are 100% financially responsible for the cargoes transported from the moment they are loaded to the moment they are unloaded. We also offer forwarding services. This is necessary if, for example, the cargoes are transferred from a ship to a motor vehicle during transportation. In this case, the freight forwarder bears the financial responsibility for the cargo.