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Saint Petersburg, Gruzovoy proezd street, 17, lit. A, room 34, office 4

Rules for the oversized cargo road transportation: concept, features

Basic rules for the oversized cargo road transportation

The hassle-free transportation of oversized cargoes demands compliance with the rules for the oversized cargoes transportation. When you need a reliable partner for delivery in St. Petersburg, in the region or all over the country, call +7 (812) 240-50-50. “AST” Group of Companies flawlessly performs tasks of any complexity in all the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Oversized cargo transportation — traffic rules

Having decided to organize the oversized cargo transportation, you should be guided by the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation:

  • Traffic Regulations No. 1090, which came into force on the 23d October 1993.
  • The Charter of motor transport and land electric transport, approved by Federal Law No. 259, of the 8th November 2007
  • Norms of cargo transportation by motor transport, adopted by Resolution No. 272, the 15th April 2011
  • The procedure for obtaining a special permit for the vehicles’ movement on highways while carrying out the heavy cargoes transportation No. 167, approved by the Ministry of Transport on the 5th of June 2019

The traffic rules contain requirements for the oversized cargo being transported. The cargo must not interfere with the driver’s view, driving process or lead to the vehicle instability. When transporting large items, it is unacceptable to obscure retroreflectors, identification marks or registration numbers. The transported cargo cannot interfere with the perception of the signals given by the driver’s hand. When transported by road, the cargo must not cause noticeable noise, pollute the roadway or the environment.

Oversized items can be moved on all types of roads. At the same time, the vehicle must have identification signs, flashing beacons (yellow in front and white in the back), reflectors along the cargo borders.

Travel through cities and other settlements should be carried out at night, when the traffic flow is not high. If the shipment needs to be carried out during the daytime, it is mandatory to have an escort car. This is determined by the State traffic inspectorate at the time of issuing the permit.

Outside of populated settlements, transportation during daylight hours does not require escorting. At night, with heavy traffic, you can’t do without it.

The following can perform escort:

  • trucks and cover vehicles (with the length of more than 24 meters and the width of more than 3.5 meters);
  • traffic police patrol (when the dimensions of the cargo exceed 4 meters in width and 30 meters in length).

Passing bridges, tunnels, or one-way traffic areas, one may need to stop the passing cars. In these cases, Cover cars are a prerequisite in these particular cases (an operational change of the driving pattern is provided in the documentation).

The maximum travel speed has been set for the train vehicles and escort vehicles. It is 60 km/h on the road, and 15 km/h on the bridge.

One must also be aware of the prohibitions established by the rules:

  • you cannot deviate from the approved route;
  • it is forbidden to move in conditions of limited visibility to 100 meters, snowfall or ice;
  • it is not allowed to make stops in unexpected places;
  • it is prohibited to continue driving if malfunctions that pose a risk to other road users are detected;
  • it is not allowed to transport oversized items when the fasteners are displaced or loosened.

Permission to transport oversized cargo

To transport an oversized item, one must obtain a special permit in advance. The only exceptions are cases when the axial load or weight with the load is not more than 2% higher than the permissible value. If the excess is up to 10%, the permit is issued by a simplified system.

In other cases, to allow transportation in the region where the route starts, you need to write an application to the Russian Avtodor and prepare a package of documents:

  • vehicle passport and vehicle registration certificate for the tractor, semi-trailer transporting oversized cargo;
  • a diagram of the vehicle showing the number of wheels, permissible axial loads, platform height, mounting method;
  • data on technical requirements for the oversized cargo transportation in a transport position;
  • a copy of the payment document confirming the payment of the state fee (1600 roubles).

This list is regulated by Order No. 258, paragraph 9. The scheme and the application are certified by the applicant, and a copy of the transport documentation is certified by its owner or the notary. In some situations, additional documents will be needed.

The permit is issued according to the following algorithm:

  • preparation of documentation;
  • writing an application or mailing an application to the appropriate authority;
  • route approval;
  • signing a permit in the traffic police service.

A permit can be issued for one trip or several of the same type (but no more than 10). This procedure takes up to a calendar month.

In some circumstances, permission may be refused.

These are the reasons:

  • cargo transportation is possible in a less dangerous way, in particular, by rail;
  • the contents are to be disassembled into smaller parts;
  • it is impossible to ensure complete safety during transportation;
  • absence of one of the necessary certificates;
  • writing an application by an unauthorized person;
  • formal errors.

“AST” Group of Companies has extensive experience in obtaining such permits in a short time. With our professionals’ help, you will transport the oversized cargo to the destination point quickly and without additional costs.

Oversized cargo rules violations and subsequent sanctions

If the permit is refused, transportation is prohibited. Ignoring the ban entails penalties. The following violations have consequences, too:

  • the deviation of the permissible dimensions is more than 0.2 – 0.5 meters;
  • exceeding the set speed limit;
  • incorrect cargo placement;
  • the absence of signs reflecting light.

The driver and the persons organizing the transportation are considered responsible for the violation. The sum of fines for violation is regulated by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations:

  • the driver is deprived of his license for a period of 2 to 6 months and pays a 1 000 – 10 000 rouble fine;
  • officials pay a fine of 10 000 – 50 000 roub;
  • legal entity – 100 000 – 500 000 roub.

Compliance with the oversized cargoes transportation rules is monitored by the State Inspectorate for Traffic Safety on Highways and the Russian Transnadzor.

Appealing a fine for an oversized cargo

There are situations when penalties are imposed unfairly. They are subject to appeal. It is worth contacting the body that imposed the punishment. Although, as practice shows, government agencies rarely change their decision. In order not to waste time, it is better to immediately write a statement to the court. One’d better not delay, because the term is 10 days from the date of resolution receipt.

Here are the most common situations:

  • Displacement of the divided load position as a result of moving on an uneven road. The contents shifted, and the inspector regarded this as an excess of size. In this case, you have every right to present your arguments in court and count on the fine cancellation.
  • An error occurred with the autofix camera. If the parameters of the tractor and trailer correspond to the established norm, it is enough to attach documents to the application in which this is displayed.
  • The measuring device does not have a conformity certificate.
  • The car was rented. In this case, the lease agreement must be submitted to the court. Responsibility is transferred from the owner to the tenant.

Actions are performed with an indication of the reason for cancellation. When proving one’s legal position, it is necessary to be based on the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

Options to pay a fine for oversized cargo with a discount

It is known that the severity of fines imposed by the state traffic inspectorate may be reduced. Oversized items are not exceptions. You can reduce the amount by half if you pay within up to 20 days. One should track the fine presence in the shortest possible period so as not to miss the deadline.

The information about the sanctions for oversized cargo can be found on the official portal of Rostransnadzor or the State Traffic Inspectorate (depending on which of them issued the decision). This is convenient in the case of a small fleet. If the organization is large and has many vehicles, you can use a specialized service that only legal entities have access to.

If you do not have time to track violations, and you want to avoid possible problems with the rules of cargo transportation, contact the “AST” Group of Companies’ professionals. We will complete our work on time at adequate rates.


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