АвтоСпецТяж Плюс Контакты:
Адрес: Gruzovoy proezd street, 17, lit. A, room 34, office 4 192289 Saint Petersburg,
Телефон:+7 (812) 240-50-50, Электронная почта: info@spb-ast.ru
Saint Petersburg, Gruzovoy proezd street, 17, lit. A, room 34, office 4

Expectations and reality in sphere self-development

The new heroes of our video interview are Milana Axelrod, “BST Logistics” CEO and Sergey Shapkin, a Leading Specialist in “AST Group” logistics department.

We ask questions about each our guest’s personal development in the industry of oversized and heavy cargoes transportation, obstacles overcome and experience gained, the specifics of partnerships and the companies’ reputation, as well as about a jointly implemented project on the equipment transportation for the boiler house construction in Volgograd.

We wish you a pleasant viewing!
If you want to become a guest of our video project, be sure to contact us at the following email address: daria.zaykova@spb-ast.ru. Tell us about yourself and your company’s business!

Leave an inquiry for the oversized and heavy cargoes transportation:
+7 (812) 240-50-50


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